You know that feeling of satisfaction you get

when you've done something well

and made someone happy?

Me too! It makes me feel so good every time I make these cinnamon buns because it's like giving a hug in bite-form.

They're very all-purpose. The 'little black dress of baking' is how I think of them - a little bit fancy but very versatile.

Some of the ways my Celebrity Cinnamon Buns have shown up:

  • Christmas morning breakfast tradition
  • for my husband to share at work
  • as birthday gifts (not usually to little kids, because they don't care and they're all about the toys haha - but like, my pals)
  • brought to friends when they're going through a rough time
  • dropped off to neighbors as a welcome-to-the-'hood gift
  • sometimes they're a just-because-I-love you treat for the fam

They are highly requested. Admittedly, I have used that to my advantage on occasion- "You kids finish _________ (insert 'monumentous task that I need help with' here) and I'll make cinnamon buns" but that's the beauty of being a clever mom and having tricks up my sleeve.

These cinnamon buns have become one of my superpowers, and now they can be one of yours, too!

Hi, I'm Angela

(and I'm not a super duper baker)

I'm a vintage-loving DIY kind of gal with a creative streak who believes the best way to a joyful life is by living authentically. There is only one you, let your YOU shine through!

I love to share what I've learned so far in the journey, thank you for being here.

The Most Interesting Man in the World Meme - I don't always clean my oven, but when I do, I make celebrity cinnamon buns

close up image of uncooked cinnamon rolls

Top view of baked cinnamon buns with icing


It's a secret weapon.

It's the thing you can make with confidence, anytime you want, knowing that it will always turn out.

It is never having to frantically scroll the interweb abyss for something special enough for a bake sale or party, praying to the baking gods that whatever you find won't be a flop and simultaneously trying to block the memory of the failed Jelly Salad of 2017 incident.
And it is never having to subject yourself to the pain of dipping into your Pinterest Folder of Broken Dreams for that one recipe you pinned four years ago during a Netflix binge that ForSureWillKnockEveryone'sSocksOffExceptWhereTheHeckDoIGetMarzipanAndInWhatCityBecauseIt'sCurrently2:00a.m.Here

Retro housewife holding a tray of cinnamon buns

You've Got This!

I created this masterclass to help you make fab cinnamon buns.

These are always a hit, but apparently can be difficult to replicate. I've kind of gotten the hang of it over the last fifteen years- let me guide you through the process so you win every time.

Both video and written instructions are included for each module; use whatever format you like to learn in. And no rush, go through it at your own pace, come back to it any time you need to.

Angela in polka dot sweater introducing the masterclass


Me with required baking equipment, including cute vintage mixer

A walk-through of what you'll need...

Me in a fabulous vintage apron explaining how to make cinnamon buns

... and lots of video showing all the steps

... with valuable tips (and riveting stories) sprinkled throughout


"Yes, I need this!"